Adjust is a program package to adjust (grossing-up, (re-)weight) microdata (samples) by the minimum information loss (MIL) principle. It is suitable for all cases where the representativity of sample data is required by weighting or reweighting a sample, respectively a survey.

To adjust microdata is to fit microdata to prescribed aggregate totals (restrictions, margins) by (re-) weighting. For each microunit of a microdata file (sample) a suitable weight is searched in that way that the weighted sum of all microunit characteristics will be equal to externally given aggregates (restrictions, margins or population totals).


This Windows-Version uses an advanced adjustment engine, and besides speed and comfort it provides the user lots of powerful features:

  • Interactive, dialogbased user interface compliant with common Windows design guidelines and NeOS-RAIS

  • Integrated logical restriction editor (LRE) featuring full ANSI SQL 92-compatibility

  • Unlimited number of restrictions and microunits

  • Backward compatibility with 16 Bit-DOS-Adjust files

  • Support for Microsoft Access Database files

  • Built-in database viewer capable of handling databases and recordsets of any size

  • And much more...

     You can download your free demo version (Version here

    (Self-installing executable file, 1 MB, for all Windows-Versions. Manual included as PDF-File)


    If there are any questions about adjust and how to order the full version, don't hesitate to contact us:

    Prof. Dr. Joachim Merz
    Leuphana Universiät Lueneburg
    FFB - Research Institute on Professions

    Scharnhorststr. 1
    Campus, 4
    21335 Lueneburg

    phone: +49 4131 677 2051
    fax: +49 4131 677 2059